Tuesday, October 21, 2014

People of the Sun III: The Pyramid Builders

I have this occasional reoccurring dream, well, it's more of a nightmare.  It happens whenever I get really seriously stressed out & I wake up with my jaw so sore it hurts to open it.    It's the same dream over & over & over again & I've been having it since I was in my middle twenties.

Some of the people at my last job, the one at the Health Department, my boss in particular & one of my coworkers give things like reoccurring dreams some significance.  Maybe it is a Freud thing, maybe it's a New Age thing, a question that you didn't know to ask, or a premonition, or maybe just the source of my worries & stress.

I don't know.  The point is that they told me to look up the key images in my dreams to find something more about myself.

I never believed in things like that, but hey, they were trying to help, so why not?

Association: - Communication with the higher consciousness, - old knowledge.
Question: - Which higher planes of consciousness do I want to reach?
Answer:- Well that's a no brainer.

Human Sacrifice
 If you are the sacrificial victim, the dream may be a reflection of your attitude. Do you always ‘play the martyr’? Perhaps you have tendencies of self-punishment & self-denial. You may feel that other people undervalue your talents & good qualities.

To dream that your heart is bleeding or aching represents desperation, despair, extreme sadness & sympathy. You are lacking support or love in some a situation in your life.

Wait, no, it's me we're talking about.  I've always been a materialist.  A communist, an individual that has never really been all too mystic.

Much better.

Anyway, according to the mystics, the psychologists, & the people that actually put a lot of meaning into your dreams, I am depressed because I play the role of a martyr in my search of a higher consciousness. 

Shit.  It's actually not that bad is it?  I was sort of hoping it would end up completely ridiculous. 

But the thing is, that reoccurring nightmare is actually a lot more vivid than North by Northwest.  I can find exactly where the dream takes place on a map.  The people that ritually sacrifice me are always the same.  I know exactly what the knife they use on me is made out of.  I know the drug that they use to subdue me.  They wear authentic dress.  The only thing out of place in that nightmare is me & the nose rings.

I'm the one that doesn't fit.  I'm white, of European decent.  I speak English.  I'm kinda sorta very vaguely Catholic.  I'm also dressed as a typical American male.

The most disturbing part of the dream has always been myself.  I can never get around the fact that I'm wearing jeans & a flannel.  Before they give me the drugs I try to explain to them that, no, I'm not dressed appropriately, but they don't understand English.

I try to undress but, no, they won't even let me take off my Doc Martins.

They don't understand that they can't ritually sacrifice me when I'm dressed like the cast of Singles.  They have to at least wait for me to strip nude.

But they have never seen Singles.  That movie hasn't been released yet.

Anyway, I've always just thought that this was a dream based off of something that I had to study in college & for some reason, despite all of the awesome horrible things that I learned in school, these people sort of stuck in my subconscious, so whenever I get really stressed out my brain decides to take my grungy ass back to a valley in the Andes & scare the ever loving shit out of me for punishment.

So today we are going to talk about the Sican Culture, also known as the Lambayeque Culture because they were located in the Lambayeque valley & were the predecessors of the Moche Culture & if you are interested, the Museum of Natural History in Chicago has some pretty cool relics of the Moche Culture.

But first, there are about 82 Pyramids in Egypt & they were all built by the Ancient Aliens that gave us the Stargate.

I only bring Egypt up to use as an example,  When people think of a Pyramid building culture they usually always think of Egypt & then they thing of the Giza, or the three at Giza.

Let's put it into a little more perspective.  Cleopatra, the last Pharaoh of Egypt, lived closer to the invention of the I-phone than she did the building of any of the pyramids that you think of.

By the time that she died, the pyramids were already ancient & Egypt had stopped building them thousands of years ago.

The Sican people built 26 in the Valley of Túcume alone.  They build about 36 in the middle era & about 76 in the late era.

26+36+76=138 & this is from 750-1375 AD.

Of course, Egypt built theirs in a desert & some of them were even built out of stone, so you know, the erosion didn't take hold & left even their mud brick structures in actual pyramid shape.  In the Valley of Túcume, well, they look like the Badlands & not so much like actual pyramids any longer.

That's what happens when you build pyramids out of mud in a region prone to flooding.

They were also, the Egyptians, using their pyramids for a singular reason.  In Egypt, all the Pyramids were tombs...unless you really believe Ancient Aliens, in which case they were either electrical generators, spaceships, or interstellar radios....with tombs built into them.

In the Sican Culture the pyramids they built were actually homes & temples & civic centers.  But, mind you, they were all single family homes.

In Europe everyone lives in a castle, in the Túcume Valley, everyone lived in a pyramid, or on a pyramid, & by everyone that meant that it was only the upper one-percent & everyone else had to worship them.

It's great if you are a Republican.  You got to force your people to build you a giant pyramid so that you can live above them & they were forced to worship you & every time it rained, you were allowed to ritually sacrifice some peeps from the middle & lower classes.

And it was socially acceptable for the upper class to wear enormous nose rings.

In my nightmare, they are silver & not gold & that ALWAYS made me uncomfortable.  Not only was I out of place, but the people that were going to sacrifice me were wearing the wrong nose rings.

It's the little shit in dreams that always freak the fuck out of you.

Whatever.  They only had one real style of jewelry.  Whatever.

So why did they build all of those Pyramids?

Back to me.

My senior year of High School was the absolute best year of my life, weather wise...I think it was my senior year.  It might have been my senior year.

That year came with a thing called El Niño.  Which is Spanish for "The Niño."

It looks like this:

Now, if you are living in Illinois, El Niño means that the summer is going to be nice & cool & not horribly hot & the winter is going to be nice & cool & not horribly cold.  El Niño, in Chicago, means that you are going to have one year of absolutely perfect weather.

El Niño means that Chicago weather is not actively trying to kill you for a change.

But that is Chicago.

In the Valley of Túcume El Niño means something completely different.  It means something like this:

Now that does NOT make for a perfect senior year of high school.  That sucks.

The thing with the Sican Culture is that they knew a shit-ton about Astronomy & Botany & really next to nothing about climate & weather & what caused things like rain & flooding.

For them, all of that was related to the gods.  Thunder meant that the gods were bowling again.

The gods caused the thunder & the lightening & every time it rained it was the gods calling for a blood sacrifice to prevent a massive flooding that would drown the 99% that was living beneath the safety of the pyramids.

So they would pull a commoner or twelve up onto the pyramid, drug them, cut their throats open with an obsidian knife, & then ritually remove their hearts to prevent the floods that spelled the end of their world.

And then they would tell their people that, since they were ordained by god, they followed the rules, killed some of the lesser people & prevented the floods.

It seemed to work...unless it was an  El Niño year.

When Chris Farley struck, the valley flooded & the upper class sacrificed hundreds of commoners to appease the gods & prevent the floods, but the floods came anyway & washed the farms & the homes of everyone else away, leaving only the pyramids.

And that caused the people to flee onto the pyramids & rise up against their rulers.

Now, we have mentioned it in a previous post, but the people came to the conclusion that the old pyramids were embedded with evil, so they rose up against their leaders, ritually burned down the old pyramids, or at least the homes on top of the old ones, moved their civilization a little further down the valley & built it up again.

They chose new leaders, new priests, built new pyramids for the upper class to live in & did the whole thing over again, from scratch.  A total reset.

It seems odd, but even in modern times, when leaders fail the people one too many times, there is a revolution & the old order gets purged & killed & a new civilization is created.  The differences is that today we understand a lot more & generally use firing squads & guillotines.

But sometimes the weather still plays a part in it.  Or at least sometimes climate change does as we have learned in a previous post.

In any case, this post has a very, VERY important moral behind it.  Especially if you are a parent.

Whatever you do, DO NOT, under any circumstances, tell your children that thunder & lightening is just God bowling.  If you do, they are going to build tens of dozens of massive pyramids in a valley in Peru & ritually sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people to assure that God gets a strike or at least a spare & I am going to have another culture to have nightmares about.

I'll leave you with this:

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